Become WAMGROUP’s Supplier
To become a WAMGROUP Supplier candidates have to pass a selection process consisting of the following steps:
- Suppliers introduce themselves to WAMGROUP: Suppliers are invited to provide General Information about their Company, products and/or services.
- Suppliers present self-evaluation to WAMGROUP: Suppliers are invited to answer questions through a Questionnaire providing a self-evaluation of their technical, qualitative and productive capacities and capabilities.
- WAMGROUP Preliminary Evaluation: WAMGROUP evaluates both general information and answers from the questionnaire to define whether the prospective Supplier is a potential candidate to receive a Request For Quotation. An evaluation can be made during a visit at the Supplier’s premises in order to check “in the field” the information provided.
- Request For Quotation: Suppliers are invited to submit quotations on WAMGROUP items based on a package of specifications and drawings. This can only be done if the Supplier has duly signed a WAMGROUP confidentiality agreement.
- Selection and qualification/approval: after evaluating the RFQ answers and the Supplier's profile, a Sourcing Committee decides whether to proceed with final Supplier qualification for approval as WAMGROUP Vendor.
To select a Vendor WAMGROUP considers their whole profile and market reputation (mainly through Customers and Suppliers).
To qualify a Vendor WAMGROUP verifies their capabilities (or potential) and characteristics, mainly taking into consideration the following aspects:
- Quality
- Total cost
- Performance on delivery
- Complete service offered
- Financial strength
- Supply lead time
- Technical ability
- Flexibility
- Production capacity
- Past and future development
- Management attitude
- Integrity
- Geographic location
To introduce themselves Suppliers have to carefully follow the procedure described in the
Submit Your Data page of this portal.