WAMGROUP requires all their Suppliers to sign a non-disclosure agreement before receiving the first request for quotation and relevant technical documentation.
This document – also referred to as “
confidentiality agreement” or “
secrecy agreement” – is a legal contract between WAMGROUP and the Vendor who intends to enter a business relationship with WAMGROUP, or is already working with WAMGROUP, which restricts use and dissemination of WAMGROUP-owned confidential information by the Vendor.
The Vendor who wants to enter a business relationship with WAMGROUP Subsidiaries is requested to download the non-disclosure agreement, to properly fill it in, duly sign and stamp it, and send the copy via e-mail to
wamgroup.nondisclosureagreement@legalmail.it .
The Supplier’s use of a Certified Electronic Mail for sending the signed confidentiality agreement is highly appreciated. A C.E.M. is a special kind of e-mail that utilizes an address with high security characteristics aimed at guaranteeing that message and the attachments are unchanged and traceable. Delivery of such e-mails is confirmed.